Friday, February 14, 2020

The optical fiber consists of a fiberglass or plastic core

The optical fiber consists of a fiberglass or plastic core, a cover and a protective layer. The coupling device of the fiber-to-light detector is also a mechanical coupler.

The light detector is usually a PIN diode or an APD ( avalanche photodiode ). Both convert light energy into the current. Consequently, a current to voltage converter is required that transforms changes in the detector current to changes in voltage in the output signal.

A band of very wide passage, which allows very high flows (of the order of the GHz).
Small size, therefore occupies little space.
Great flexibility, the radius of curvature can be less than 1 cm, which greatly facilitates installation.
Very light, the weight is of the order of a few grams per kilometer, which is about nine times less than that of a conventional cable.
Total immunity to electromagnetic disturbances, which implies a very good transmission quality, since the signal is immune to storms, sizzling ...
Great security: the intrusion into an optical fiber is easily detectable by the weakening of the light energy in reception, in addition, it radiates nothing, which is particularly interesting for applications that require a high level of confidentiality.
It does not produce interference.
Insensitivity to parasites, which is a property mainly used in heavily disturbed industrial environments (for example, in subway tunnels). This property also allows coexistence by the same non-metallic optical cable conduits with the electric power cables.
Very small attenuation independent of the frequency, which allows saving important distances without intermediate active elements.
Great mechanical resistance (tensile strength, which facilitates installation).
Resistance to heat, cold, corrosion.
Easy to locate the cuts thanks to a process based on telemetry, which allows us to quickly detect the location and subsequent repair of the fault, simplifying maintenance work.
Fiber optic jobs salary
Despite the advantages listed above, the optical fiber has a number of disadvantages compared to other transmission media, the most relevant being the following:

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