Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Project Documentation - Fiber optic network

Project Documentation

Cable network documentation is a necessary part of the design and installation process of a fiber-optic network that is often overlooked. Documenting the installation properly during the planning process will help save time and materials in the installation. It will accelerate the installation of the cables and the tests since the routing and terminations will be known. Once the components have been installed, the documentation must be completed with the loss verification data for the end-user to accept. During troubleshooting, simplify link tracking and fault detection. Usually,

The process to achieve it begins at the beginning of the project and continues until its completion. You must start with the location or path of the cable network. OSP cables require documentation of the entire layout, but also details about specific locations, for example, which side of the streets they are on, on which posts, where and how deep the buried cables and splice closures are, as well as if the markers and the tracking tape are buried with the cable. The cables in the internal plant require similar details within construction in order to be able to locate the cable in any part of the path.
Cable installer certifications
Most of this data can be stored in CAD drawings and a database or commercial software that stores data on components, connections, and tests. Long external plant links that include splices can also have traces of OTDR (optical reflectometer in the time domain), which should be stored as hard copies and, if possible, in computer files stored on disks to be able to view later in case of problems. There must be a computer with the appropriate software to be able to visualize the paths, so there must be a copy of said program on the disks along with the files.

Monday, February 24, 2020

Fiber optic and chose the appropriate equipment for the installation

Once you decided to use the fiber optic and chose the appropriate equipment for the installation, it is time to determine exactly what the location of the cable network and hardware will be. It must be remembered that each installation is unique. The exact location of the cable network will be determined by the physical locations along the entire layout, by local building codes and laws, and by other people involved in the design. As usual, the facilities in internal and external plant are different, so we will study them separately.

The facilities on the internal floor and at the campus level may be simpler since the physical area in question is smaller and there are fewer options. You should start with a good set of architectural plans and, if possible, communicate with the architect, the contractor and/or the building administrator. Contacting them allows you to have the advice and information from other people. Fortunately, the drawings are available in the form of CAD files, so you can obtain a copy to make the design of the wiring network on your computer, and this greatly facilitates the possibility of making adjustments to the design and writing reports about its design.

If the building is still in the design stage, you may have the opportunity to contribute ideas about the requirements of the cable network. Ideally, that means that you can influence the location of the equipment rooms, the routing of the trays and cable ducts, the availability of adequate conditioned energy and the separate ground connections for data centers, and insufficient capacity of the air conditioning and other network needs. In the case of already constructed buildings, the detailed architectural plans give you the possibility of routing the wiring and network equipment between the obstacles that you will inevitably encounter in your path.
Fiber optic jobs salary
There are several ways to perform the installations in the external plant (OSP) according to the cable layout. The route can cross large areas of open countryside, extend along urban or rural paved roads, ravines, rivers or lakes or, more likely, some combination of all these lands. Underground cables, overhead cables or underwater cables may be required. The cables can be in underground conduits, of a corrugated subduct or buried directly, and the aerial cables can support themselves or be linked to a messenger cable. Longer runs, in general, involve crossing water zones, so that the cables can run under water or be linked along a bridge along with other cables.

Thursday, February 20, 2020

To measure the reflectance, the OTDR measures


To measure the reflectance, the OTDR measures the amount of light that returns both from the backscatter in the fiber and from that which is reflected from a connector or splice. The calculation of the reflectance is a complex process that involves noise at the baseline of the OTDR, the level of backscatter and the power at the reflected peak. Like all backscatter measurements, the uncertainty of the measurement is quite high, but an OTDR has the advantage of showing where the reflective events are located so that they can be corrected if necessary.

Plot comparison
Comparing two paths in the same window is useful for confirming data collection and contrasting different test methods on the same fiber. The comparisons are also used to compare the graphical traces of the fiber during troubleshooting or restoration with paths obtained just after installation to see what has changed. All OTDRs offer this feature, by which you can copy one path and paste it to another to compare them.
OTDR measurement uncertainty


The greatest source of measurement uncertainty that occurs when testing with an OTDR depends on the backscatter coefficient of the fibers being tested, the amount of light from the outgoing test pulse that is dispersed back to the OTDR. The backscattered light that is used for measurement is not a constant but depends on the attenuation of the fiber and the diameter of the fiber core.

If you look at two different fibers spliced ?? or connected together in an OTDR, you will notice that the difference in backscattering of each fiber is a major source of error. If both fibers are identical, as happens when splicing a broken fiber again, the backscatter will be the same on both sides of the joint, so the OTDR will measure the actual splice loss. However, if the fibers are different, the uneven backscatter coefficients will cause a different percentage of light to be sent back to the OTDR.
Fiber optic cable certification
If the first fiber has more dispersion (shown as attenuation) than the other after connection, the percentage of light from the OTDR test pulse will go down, so that the loss measured in the OTDR will include the actual loss plus a loss error caused by a lower backscatter level, which will cause the loss shown to be greater than it really is. If you look from the opposite side, from a low attenuation fiber to a high attenuation fiber, we will find that the backscatter goes up, making the measured loss less than it really is. In fact,

Although this source of error is always present, it can be virtually eliminated by taking the readings in both directions and averaging the measurements. In addition, many OTDRs have this function programmed in their measurement routines. This is the only way to test splices online to check for loss and obtain accurate results.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Understanding the measurement uncertainty of the fiber optic power meter

Much attention has been paid to the development of transfer standards for fiber optic power measurements. The NIST of the United States in Boulder, Colorado and the standards organizations of most other countries have worked to provide good standards to work with. Now we can ensure traceability for our calibrations, but still, the errors that occur when making measurements cannot be ignored. Even when fiber optic power meters are calibrated within the specifications, the uncertainty of a measurement can be as much as +/- 5% (about 0.2 dB) compared to the standards.

The first source of error is the optical coupling. The fiber light expands in a cone. It is important that the fiber geometry detector is such that all the fiber light hits the detector, otherwise, the measurement will be less than the actual value. But every time the light passes through an air-glass interface, such as the window in the detector, a small amount of light is reflected and lost. Finally, cleaning the optical surfaces involved can cause absorption and dispersion. The total sum of these potential errors will depend on the type of connector, wavelength, fiber size and numerical aperture.

Beyond coupling errors, there are also errors associated with wavelength calibration. Semiconductor detectors used in fiber optic instruments (and also systems) have a sensitivity that is wavelength dependent. Since the wavelength of the actual source is poorly understood, there is an error associated with the spectral sensitivity of the detector. By industrial convention, the three essential wavelengths (850, 1300 and 1550 nm) are used for all power measurements, and not the wavelength of the exact source.
There is also another source of error for measurements of high and low levels. At high levels, the optical power can overload and saturate the detector, which will cause the measurement to be wrong. At low levels, the inherent noise of the detector adds to the signal and becomes an error. If the signal is 10 dB above the minimum noise threshold (10 times the noise), the offset error is 10% or 0.4 dB.
Instrument resolution vs. Measurement uncertainty
If the uncertainty of most fiber optic measurements is considered, instrument manufacturers have provided loss and power meters with a measurement resolution that is usually much larger than necessary. The uncertainty of optical power measurements is around 0.2 dB (5%), loss measurements are likely to present uncertainties of 0.2-0.5 dB or more, and optical return loss measurements have an uncertainty of 1 dB.
Instruments that have reading screens with a resolution of 0.01 dB are generally only suitable for laboratory measurements of very low component losses or changes caused by environmental variations. Within the laboratory, a resolution of 0.01 dB can be extremely useful, since the loss of connectors or joints that are below 0.10 dB or changes in a loss under environmental stress that are below 0.1 dB are usually measured. The stability of the sources and the physical tension in the cables limits the uncertainty of measurement to approximately 0.02 to 0.05 dB per day, but a resolution of 0.
Field measurements have a greater uncertainty because more components are measured at a time and losses are greater. Practically, the measurements are better when the resolution of the instrument is limited to 0.1 dB. The readings will be more likely to be stable when read, and more indicative of the uncertainty of the measurement.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Should you complete the field terminations?

Inspect and test; Then do the documentation. It is very difficult to solve problems when the length of the cables is unknown, where they are headed or what results the tests originally gave. Therefore, keep good documentation. Smart users need it and they already know that they will pay an additional fee for good documentation.

Should you complete the field terminations?

Many manufacturers offer prefabricated wiring systems for internal and external plant installations. In fact, the largest application of prefabricated systems is that for fiber-to-home (FTTH) installations, which saves a lot of installation time and costs. To use prefabricated systems you need to know exactly where the cable will be laid, so you can specify the length of the cables. Through the use of CAD systems (computer-aided design) and design graphics, complete wiring is designed according to customer specifications and assembled at the factory using standard components. The old prefabricated systems (some are still available) were only cables with the terminations in place, with standard ST or SC connectors, protected with a plastic boot with a drag loop attached to the fiber reinforcement elements. The cable was placed with the boot in place and then it was removed to connect the cable to the connection panels.
Fiber optic installer pay
Nowadays it is more common to use backbone network cables ( backbone) with small MTP multifiber connectors that are pulled from one room to the other and connected to rack modules that have MTP connectors on the back and single-mode connectors on the front; and as in everything, this has its compensation, factory assembled connectors generally have fewer losses than field terminations, but MTP connectors, even those assembled at the factory, are not low loss, so the total loss can be greater than that of field-terminated systems. The costs also have their compensation, since the prefabricated systems are more expensive but the installation time is much shorter. In the new buildings,

Monday, February 17, 2020

The SC connector is a snap-in connector widely used in single mode

The ST connector (registered trademark of AT&T) was one of the first connectors that used ceramic splints and still one of the most popular connectors for multimode networks, mostly for buildings and campuses. It has a bayonet mount and a long, cylindrical splint to support the fiber. Most splints are ceramic, but there are some metal or plastic. Since they have a spring, you must ensure that they are inserted correctly. If you have high losses, reconnect them to see if there is any difference.     

The SC connector is a snap-in connector widely used in single-mode systems for its excellent
performance and in multimode systems because it was the first connector chosen as standard by the
TIA-568 standard (any connector approved by FOCIS standards is now accepted). It is a snap-in
the connector that fits with a simple push-pull mechanism (which prevents accidental disconnection). It is also available in a duplex configuration.         
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The LC is a relatively new connector that uses a 1.25 mm splint, half the size of the ST. It is generally used in duplex format.   It is a standard ceramic splint connector, which can be placed with any adhesive. Since it has a good performance, it is the most preferred single-mode connector and is the one is chosen for multimode transceivers for gigabit or higher speeds, even for multimode Ethernet and fiber channels.           

You can see other types of fiber optic connectors at the FOA Tech Topics reference source, on the FOA

Friday, February 14, 2020

The optical fiber consists of a fiberglass or plastic core

The optical fiber consists of a fiberglass or plastic core, a cover and a protective layer. The coupling device of the fiber-to-light detector is also a mechanical coupler.

The light detector is usually a PIN diode or an APD ( avalanche photodiode ). Both convert light energy into the current. Consequently, a current to voltage converter is required that transforms changes in the detector current to changes in voltage in the output signal.

A band of very wide passage, which allows very high flows (of the order of the GHz).
Small size, therefore occupies little space.
Great flexibility, the radius of curvature can be less than 1 cm, which greatly facilitates installation.
Very light, the weight is of the order of a few grams per kilometer, which is about nine times less than that of a conventional cable.
Total immunity to electromagnetic disturbances, which implies a very good transmission quality, since the signal is immune to storms, sizzling ...
Great security: the intrusion into an optical fiber is easily detectable by the weakening of the light energy in reception, in addition, it radiates nothing, which is particularly interesting for applications that require a high level of confidentiality.
It does not produce interference.
Insensitivity to parasites, which is a property mainly used in heavily disturbed industrial environments (for example, in subway tunnels). This property also allows coexistence by the same non-metallic optical cable conduits with the electric power cables.
Very small attenuation independent of the frequency, which allows saving important distances without intermediate active elements.
Great mechanical resistance (tensile strength, which facilitates installation).
Resistance to heat, cold, corrosion.
Easy to locate the cuts thanks to a process based on telemetry, which allows us to quickly detect the location and subsequent repair of the fault, simplifying maintenance work.
Fiber optic jobs salary
Despite the advantages listed above, the optical fiber has a number of disadvantages compared to other transmission media, the most relevant being the following:

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Fiber Performance Specifications

Attenuation: reduction in optical power when passing through a fiber, usually expressed in decibels (dB). With respect to fiber, we talk about the attenuation or attenuation coefficient per unit length, in dB / km. Refer to optical loss.

Bandwidth: a range of signal frequencies or bit rate in which a component, link or fiber-optic signal operates.

Decibels (dB): a unit of measurement of the optical power that indicates the relative power. For example, 3 dB is a factor or two, 10 dB is a factor of ten. The dB in negative values ​​indicate a loss, so -10 dB implies a 10-fold reduction in power, -20 dB implies another 10 times or a total of 100 times, -30 implies another 10 or a total of 1000 and so on.

dB: optical power relative to an arbitrary zero level, used to measure loss.

dBm: optical power with 1 milliwatt reference, used to measure the absolute optical power from the transmitters or receivers. Refer to optical power.

Optical loss: the amount of optical power lost when light is transmitted through fiber, splices, couplers; It is expressed in "dB".

Optical power: measured in "dBm" or decibels with a reference power of one milliwatt. While the loss is a relative reading, the optical power is an absolute measurement, with reference standards. One measures the optical power to test the transmitters or receivers and the relative power in "dB" to test the loss.

Dispersion: pulse propagation caused by modes in multimode fiber (modal dispersion), the difference in light speed of different wavelengths (CD or chromatic dispersion in single-mode or multimode fibers) or polarization (PMD or dispersion by mode of single-mode fiber polarization).
Refraction: the change of direction of the light after colliding with small particles that cause most of the loss in the optical fiber and is used to make measurements with an OTDR (optical reflectometer in the time domain).

Wavelength: Term for the color of light, usually expressed in nanometers (nm) or microns (m). Fiber is mostly used in the infrared region where light is invisible to the human eye. Most fiber specifications (attenuation, dispersion) depend on the wavelength.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Fluke Networks Certificate in Copper and Fiber Optic Installations

A technician with the Fluke Networks Certificate (CCTT) degree can
• Work with the standards and technologies that drive high-performance wiring systems.
• Effectively use the ProjX Project Management capabilities of the Fluke Networks Versiv family of products.
• Demonstrate your knowledge of the DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer Network Certification team.
• Apply their knowledge in a wide variety of projects that deploy both shielded and unshielded wiring infrastructure, as well as in different Fiber Optic networks: Multimode and Singlemode.
• Safely run tests to the parameters of resistance, TCL, ELTCTL, among others.
• Demonstrate in real-time your Know-How in the use and expertise of DSX-5000
• Take advantage of the powerful troubleshooting capabilities and optical loss measurements of the equipment: DSX-5000 CableAnalyzer, CertiFiber® Test Set and OptiFiber® Pro, OTDR, allowing them to work autonomously, minimizing working time and the time spent consulting experts, either within your company or to a wiring manufacturer.

With the new advances in copper and fiber optic technology, it is necessary to train and certify your employees to maintain competitiveness in the provision of installation services and certification of structured cabling.

Fiber optic certification salary
At the same time, it is a known fact that users only know superficially the instruments they are using and as a result, they do not take full advantage of the capabilities of the equipment to increase overall profitability and shorten service delivery times.

The investment you make when enrolling or enrolling your technicians in the Fluke Networks CCTT training program not only improves the installer's skills, but also their effectiveness and productivity at work, project management, and testing certification, which documents the wiring systems. Participants are evaluated through written certification exams to show that they acquired the knowledge necessary to be named: Certified Cabling Test Technician (CCTT) Fluke Networks Versiv, “Fluke Networks Certificate”

The training delivered in this course will give your company a competitive advantage and deliver intelligent work tools, avoiding common mistakes in order to grow your business.
Training and Certification Fluke Networks
The training program developed by Fluke Networks has a duration of two days, which are divided into "Copper" and "Fiber Optic"

There is a strong emphasis on the capabilities and operation of the DSX-5000 equipment of the Versiv line. During the course, students apply extensive and individual concepts in theoretical and practical exercises. A section of the Management Software is incorporated: Linkware in the training modules. Course attendees learn to use LinkWare to accelerate the presentation of certification results and deliver statistics, this is a great tool to get an immediate view of large amounts of measurement data.

And upon successful completion of the Fluke Networks CCTT Course the local representative will deliver the certificates of approval of the attendees

Monday, February 10, 2020

Ground elements of the space optical communication system

Ground elements of space optical communication system developed under the SILEX program and flight test results.

It is reported that the European Space Agency plans to commission the experiment. the optical communication system between satellites in various orbits ( SILEX project ). Communication equipment is installed onboard the ARTEMIS satellite, which will be launched into geostationary orbit. Tests of communications equipment on board the SPOT 4 satellite in the present time is already being spent. Their preliminary results are presented.

Numerical studies of soliton waves in a nonlinear Bragg reflector.

A method has been developed for numerically analyzing the propagation of soliton waves in a nonlinear Bragg reflector, which takes into account the real parameters of materials. A scheme of the waveguide structure, which may be used, is proposed. used to calculate the switching of solitons.

Dark and gray spatial soliton waves in nonlinear plane waveguides.

The results of the theory are presented. studies of the propagation of dark and gray spatial soliton waves in-plane optical waveguides based on self-defocusing nonlinear media. Given accurate analytical equations.

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Parametric solitons.
The characteristics and structure of multi-frequency (multi-color) parametric solitons are considered. 2 specials identified class of such solitons: cascaded parametric solitons and solitons with a distinguished bandwidth. As an example, the case of the propagation of a five-color parametric soliton with a distinguished bandwidth in a Kerr medium is considered. The results of a study of the stability of these new solitons are presented.

Friday, February 7, 2020

How Much Does a Fiber Optic Technician Earn

Fiber optic technicians are in demand.

Patience is no longer part of the public vocabulary when it comes to the Internet. You connect something to a search engine and expect results in a few seconds. However, when Internet traffic increases, data transmission slows down and you may find yourself waiting at peak times. This is where glass fibers come into play. To take account of the increasing use of computers, smartphones, and other communication devices, companies are turning to these fibers and need technicians to install and repair cables. Technicians with industry experience can expect better profits than those who are just starting out.

Content overview
In 2011, installers and repairers of telecommunications lines averaged $ 51.330 per year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But high salaries can sometimes skew the average, and average wages are often a better indicator of a technician's income. Half of all installers and repairers earned less than $ 51,720 a year. However, these figures do not reflect experience, nor do they take into account the size of the company - factors that affect your earnings potential.
How much does a fiber optic technician make
A survey conducted by Modis, an IT recruiter, shows what you can expect from salary throughout your career. With less than three years of experience, you can earn anywhere from $ 34,600 to $ 57,700 anywhere, but the average is closer to $ 46,600 than in 2012. With two to five years in the job, salaries average around $ 55,800. After five or more years, your experience can earn an average of $ 67,300.

Job outlook
Over 2020, telecommunications technicians should see 14 percent growth in employment, reports the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This is the national average of growth for all U.S. professions. As more and more people rely on the Internet, additional fiber optic lines are required to meet increasing usage and increase the need for more technicians.

Thursday, February 6, 2020

Laying fiber in asphalt - a new fiber optic construction technique

Today, the problem of congestion in cable ducts is becoming more and more urgent, which can be solved with the help of microtrench laying of fiber optic cables.
 Brief information about the asphalt plastic sewer stacker (trencher) is presented. He cuts the asphalt in the city with a cutter to a depth of 40 cm, lays plastic pipes and fills the gap with high-strength concrete. Obstacles with this method of laying can only be tram rails and hatches. The top of the gap is first temporarily closed with a special tape, then laid with asphalt. Pavement restoration - complete and hardened at the cutting site. Sewerage construction rate up to 500 m per shift.

Improving telecommunication equipment can significantly reduce the area occupied by station equipment, while repeatedly increasing capacity.

Regarding linear structures, such trends, unfortunately, are practically not observed. The development of networks of telecom operators, as well as departmental networks leads to the fact that the existing cable ducts are overloaded, and additional cabling is impossible. In addition, it should be borne in mind that fiber-optic cables must be laid in the free channels of cable ducts, into which other fiber-optic cables can subsequently be laid. In the channel of cable ducts occupied by a cable with metal conductors, joint laying of fiber-optic cables is allowed only in a protective polyethylene tube. However, often in the channels there is no place for laying cables in polyethylene pipes. In such a situation, it is necessary to carry out the reporting of cable ducts, and this is a very expensive procedure. Most often, it becomes necessary to report channels in the central regions, which are already oversaturated with underground communications (these are, as a rule, areas with high business activity).

It should be noted that the gap entails numerous inconveniences: it creates obstacles to the movement of vehicles and pedestrians, worsens the appearance of the streets. At intersections with communications of third-party organizations, it is necessary to involve representatives of these organizations. Work often has to be done on a tight schedule, including at night. For pedestrians to move through the zones of disruption, temporary crossings with fences are arranged, and lighting is provided at night. In addition, at the end of the work, re-cultivation measures are carried out, as well as restoration of the road surface (asphalting, laying of tiles, etc.). Current guidelines recommend manual digging of trenches and foundation pits in cramped urban areas. This creates additional problems. especially in winter. The city authorities are reluctant to allow digging in the central areas of the city. Thus, there is a whole range of problems that impede the development of wired networks in areas where they are most needed. The search for solutions to these problems makes us turn to the experience of foreign partners. One of the effective methods is the use of microtrench laying of fiber optic cables.

Microtrenching mechanisms
The technique of microtrench laying is based on the use of specialized mechanisms. They are a milling cutter on the tractor chassis for removing pavement and a device for removing dust, sand, gravel and other small fractions. These mechanisms can be combined into one or, conversely, divided, accordingly distributing the technological operation of preparing the trench for cable installation in two stages - opening the asphalt and cleaning the microtrench. As a cleaning device, a compressor can be used, as well as a vacuum or water pump. Accordingly, foreign particles are blown out by the air stream, sucked off or washed out by the water stream, which is supplied under pressure.

As a rule, cable laying in the ground is carried out in a trench to a depth of 1.2 m (except for rocky and other dense soils of category IV and above) in accordance with applicable standards. Such a depth is considered sufficient to reliably protect the line-cable structures operated outdoors, from unauthorized access and environmental factors. In urban conditions, cable management is being built to streamline communications, which provides additional protection for line-cable structures.
Fiber optic jobs salary
Various fiber optic cable developers offer different technology options for cable laying in a microtrench. These options have a common technological operation - deepening. The idea of ​​microtrench technology is to provide reliable cable protection with a significant reduction in earthworks. An additional protection against the most likely external mechanical and temperature effects is the roadway itself.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Fiber-optic technology, Practical guidance

The domestic fiber-optic component base designed for harsh operating conditions is considered. The main technical characteristics, as well as methods for measuring them, optical fibers, fiber optic cables, optical connectors, combiners, splitters, switches, passive and active fiber optic delay lines, discrete transmitting and receiving optoelectronic modules, optical transceivers and repeaters, are given.
Methods for monitoring the failure-free parameters of fiber-optic components are proposed taking into account their fundamental differences from electronic components.
The book contains practical recommendations for building traditional and original digital fiber optic transmission systems (FOTS), optical hubs, switches, media converters, autonomous power supplies for submarine FOTS nodes, fiber-optic microwave signal distribution systems, fiber-optic phase shifters, active fiber-optic delay lines, microwave optoelectronic generators, optoelectronic ADCs and DACs.
The book is intended for a wide range of readers: students, engineering and technical workers, scientists interested in this topic and professionally associated with the development or operation of fiber optic technology.
Types of optical fibers.
The industry produces single-mode and multimode optical fibers for various applications. To classify the manufactured types of optical fibers, international standards have been developed. The standards were developed by two organizations: the International Telecommunication Union, the Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T), mainly for fiber consumers, and the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), for optical fiber manufacturers.

Consider the ITU-T recommendations regarding the parameters of optical fibers.

G.650 gives general definitions of fiber types, a list of the main characteristics and parameters of single-mode fibers, as well as methods for measuring and monitoring these parameters.

G.651 applies to a multimode optical fiber with a core diameter of 50 μm and a sheath of 125 μm. The recommendation contains the main parameters of these fibers and acceptable standards.

G.652 applies to a standard single-mode fiber with unbiased dispersion (the value of zero chromatic dispersion is in the region of 1310 nm). The field of application of such fibers is fiber-optic transmission lines without spectral densification operating at a wavelength of optical radiation of 1310 nm.
Also check: fiber optic cable certification
G.653 applies to single-mode fiber oriented transmission systems operating at a wavelength of optical radiation of 1.55 microns. As shown above, the attenuation of optical signals in quartz optical fibers at this wavelength is minimal. The fiber according to this recommendation should have a zero dispersion in the region of 1.55 μm, which is achieved by a more complex refractive index profile in the cross-section. Such an optical fiber is called dispersion-shifted fiber. A type of G.653 fiber is used in fiber optic transmission lines without spectral multiplexing operating at a wavelength of optical radiation of 1550 nm.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

FTTH Albacete Fiber Optic Technician

Consolidated company and leader in the telecommunications, computer and training sectors.

We are operators of Telecommunications through WIFI (WISP), we have a network with wide coverage in the provinces of Albacete, Cuenca, and Valencia. We offer Internet, Fixed Telephony and Mobile Telephony services for residential and also Carrier bandwidth solutions with SLAS contracts.

We have technical service for any computer system and wired networks (network cable, fiber optic and wireless). We install telephone switchboards and video surveillance systems. We also have a trade with all types of material: Hardware, Software, Consumables,...

We have extensive training classes approved by SEPECAM, in which we offer training for companies and individuals. We also provide continuous training for companies