Monday, November 25, 2019

Cisco CCNP Certification For A Network Engineer

The value of IT certifications has always been high, since these credentials show that you are competent and skilled enough to work in the field in which you have been hired, whether in administration, design, networks or security.
In the technological world which has a very rapid development today and where new technologies arise, specialists need to update their skills to demonstrate that they are qualified and keep pace with the technological world.

The certification
The IT certifications in your CV make you visible to employers, give you more opportunities to find a better job and career prospects, earn a higher salary and personal growth.
They help you win in the silent competition with other colleagues who are not certified. Certifications gain more value when they have been obtained by leading IT providers such as Microsoft, CompTIA, Oracle, EC-Council, Cisco, among many others.
The certifications offered by Cisco cover areas such as Architect, Cloud, Collaboration, Security, Cybersecurity Operations, Routing and Switching, Design, etc.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Technical architect of data center solutions

Data Center Architect Job Description


Higher technical education
Work experience not less than 2 years
Experience in project teams, experience in developing integrated solutions for computing architecture in Data Processing Centers
Knowledge of server equipment from leading manufacturers in the areas of: servers, data storage systems, networks (HP, IBM, SUN, Cisco)
Knowledge and understanding of the basic methods of ensuring fault tolerance and disaster tolerance.
Experience building SAN solutions

Work with data center suppliers
Work with server hardware suppliers
Development of architecture of computing solutions
Participation in the design process, technical supervision of project implementation
Formation of procurement specifications and tendering
Maintaining and maintaining up-to-date technical documentation
The certificates of leading manufacturers of server equipment in the areas of: servers, storage systems, networks (HP, IBM, SUN, Cisco) are welcome

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Diagram of Data Center Network Architectures

Part 1. “Particle of God”

The past year 2012 was rich in significant scientific breakthroughs - both the decoding of the Denisovites genome, the landing of “Curiosity” on Mars, and a mouse grown from a stem cell. However, the most important discovery of 2012 is unequivocally recognized by the event that occurred in July at CERN (European Center for Nuclear Research) - a practical confirmation of the existence of the Higgs boson, the “particle of God," as Leon Max Lederman christened it.

“So where does the HP come from?” You ask. HP has long and very closely collaborated with CERN, especially in the area of ​​network technologies. So, for example, in CERN Openlab R&D, promising developments are being carried out in the field of creating applications for the SDN controller based on HP, the development of network security systems is actively going on, etc. Therefore, HP took a direct part in this discovery. Literally, it helped to catch the Higgs boson since the launch of the LHC, because LHC data collection and processing network is built on HP equipment. To understand the scale of the network in CERN, it is about 50,000 active user devices, more than 10,000 kilometers of cable, about 2500 network devices. This network digests about 15 Petabytes of information each year (a huge amount of data from the detectors is statistics from collisions of particle beams with speeds almost equal to the speed of light). All this mass of data is processed in a distributed data center network. It was there, in the data center, based on an analysis of a gigantic amount of statistics, that "a particle of God sifted through a sieve."

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